Golden Ratio
Some of Leonardo Da Vinci's best and most influential art follows the golden ratio or golden rectangle theory. Naturally human faces contain golden ratio. The center of the face is obviously the most eye-catching feature.
I believe this is why Mona Lisa's face is so striking, because your eye naturally follows the golden spiral. This is probably why its such an iconic painting, because of the way its structured.
The golden ratio is a mathematics formula used in logo design and paintings but is also found naturally in plants and flowers. Its found by dividing a line in half so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is equal to the overall length divided by the longer part. Its used so the center of the spiral should be the most eye-catching part of the logo. Outward from the spiral is when the viewers eye follows another path throughout the picture. Not only does it make the logo aesthetically pleasing but it creates a more balanced look to everything.
Da vinci
This painting is by (Da Vinci, 1490) This painting is by (Da Vinci, 1503)
This theory has influenced me when creating my own logo substantially. The spiral starts at the top because instantly you know its a seal. Its then you look through the logo and find the word seal. Eyes will naturally follow the spiral and look across the photo.
Overall I think this is why my logo is so successful. It effectively looks like what it needs to be and represents the group perfectly. If I could have made it again I would probably only change the colour or texture of it. I like how the seal is positioned, looking back I could have tried different poses. But mainly I'd play around with colour. Either way I would still follow the golden ration theory because I feel it makes it balanced and look more professional.